The popularity and growth of the ancient healing sciences as well as historical traditions of treatment that are now making medical tourism in India as one of the most preferred tourism choice across the world should be discussed with the emerging business context of specialization and customization all across the travel and tourism industry in the past few decades. The travel and tourism sector is speedily becoming one of the most growing sector in the world following the customization drive and focus on specialization all across the industry. Tourism is no longer just touring and travelling and it is becoming more and more focused on the specialization in accordance with the customer choice, requirement, travelling moods, cultural emphasis, economic factors, health condition and specific social and socio-psychological trends. The specification drive and wide range of diversification across various segments of tourism played a crucial role in the recent boom and popularity of various types of tourism. As the health care situation all over the world is continuously facing a wide range of medical challenges in respect of treating a lot of life style oriented diseases and disorders that are chronic and almost tend to reach an epidemic proportion, medical tourism is gaining in popularity and public appreciation and India is one of the countries to offer a wide variety of choice of treatments and healing traditions that are different in approach towards diseases and functioning of organic system.
India is the country that is widely acclaimed of its great traditions of healing and medications that are organic as well as naturally validated and this is the precise reason why there is a growing global interest in the healing and health care traditions of India and the global or especially the interest of the people of world's developed nations in the ancient Indian sciences of yoga, Ayurveda, meditative practices, natural herbal remedies have made medical tourism in India one of the most sought after tourism categories. The popularity factors that worked behind the medical tourism in India to be so much aspired across the tourism industry mainly include the diversities of its ancient traditions and corresponding wide range of treatment options along with other types of diversifications in the social or cultural or natural resources that have been major attractions across the tourism industry. Here we would discuss in depth regarding some of the most important aspects of medical tourism in India.
The Great Diversity of Treatment
Before going into the discussion regarding the medical tourism in India we should take note of some of the salient aspects in relation to the great diversity of treatment that made the medical tourism in India so popular. India as a vast country has gone through a huge dimension of historical upheavals, changes, transformations and faced a great array of historical events in its thousand years of history and most interestingly India is one the few countries in the world that have made so many cultural identities and influences merged in the mainstream of the Indian culture and its national identity. Along with this process of merger of the diverse range of cultures and influences several medical traditions and natural healing sciences reciprocated and influenced each other and enriched the medical tradition of the country in an unprecedented way. That is the reason why medication in India boasts of so diverse a range of treatment comprising developed tradition of modern medical science, Ayurveda, yoga, meditative practices and other natural as well as organic medical procedures. Some of the most popular medical traditions of the present India that are most crucial in promoting the medical tourism in India are mentioned below.
Medical Tourism in India with emphasis on Ayurvedic Treatment
Ayurveda is the most popular natural healing science of the great tradition of the country that is accounted as a major contributing factor to the development of medical tourism in India in regard to making various places in India as tourist destinations for medical treatment seeking people from all over the world. The tradition of Ayurveda is one of the most widely practiced medical discipline across various parts of India and traditionally symbolizes natural and organic healing that has a coherent and intrinsic relation with nature. Though Kerala tops the list in regard to the Ayurvedic treatment facilities across India that are considered to be the most preferred destination for medical tourists from all over the world, the wellness resorts and Ayurvedic hospitals are spreading all across the country and becoming popular in the map of medical tourism in India. Some of the top Ayurvedic clinics and hospitals in India include AryaVaidyaSala in Kerala, Padinharkhara Ayurveda Hospital and Research Centres in Kerala, Indus Valley Ayurvedic Centre in Bangalore, Ayurvedagram in Kerala, Ayurvedic Natural Health Centre near Goa, etc.
Medical Tourism in India with emphasis on Yoga Treatment
Yoga is one of the most ancient tradition that primarily was associated with the Indian spiritual traditions and yoga before being considered as a medical discipline of the modern era mainly used to be viewed as the main body of spiritual practice comprising cathartic and spiritual development across the physical, psychic, philosophical and spiritual realities and perception as well as senses of devotees. The perception of yoga as a medication or treatment of natural tradition is relatively new and modern. The tradition of yoga comprises of mainly two separate traditions, namely Buddhist and Hindu and these two traditions boast off different treatment procedures like physical exercise, meditations, pranayama or exercises involving control of inhale and exhale of air, developing natural living habits, etc. From the lush green flowery valleys of the snow covered mountains in the Himalayas to the tropical backwaters of Kerala, you will be finding huge varieties of yoga and meditation centers across India and many of them centers are popular as the destinations for tourists interested in medical tourism in India. Some of the most popular destinations for yoga and meditation for the medical tourists visiting India include RamamaniAyenger Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune, ParmarthNiketan, Rishikesh, Ashtanga Institute in Mysore, Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai, Shivananda Vedanta Center in Trivandrum, Biuhar School of Yoga in Munger, etc.
Medical Tourism in India with emphasis on Modern day Medical Treatment procedures like Surgery
India is now one of the preferred destinations for surgery related modern medical treatments like orthopedic surgery, obesity surgery, cosmetic surgery, neurosurgery and a lot of other treatment categories. India now provides the cheapest rate of surgery in the entire South East Asia and with comparative low and affordable treatment cost and global standard it is becoming one of the most sought after destinations for medical tourists all from over the world. For surgery and related treatments still Chennai and Delhi comes at the top of the list with most number of world class facilities for surgery and the province of Goa along with its global popularity for scenic and most exuberant sea beaches are speedily becoming one of the to destinations for medical tourism in India as well. Some of the top surgery facilities that are globally acclaimed for their excellence in medical treatment include Apollo Victor Hospital, Goa, Fortis Hospital, New Delhi, Nova Medical Center, Bangalore, Chennai Plastic Surgery, Chennai, Madras Joint Replacement Center, Chennai, Ahalia Foundation Eye Hospital, Kerala, All Smiles, Bangalore, Etc.
The above mentioned description of the treatment facilities and categories of tourist attractions for medical tourism in India have been derived from the various sources of information in regard to the popularity and most frequent visits of tourists from all over the globe to the healthcare & medical tourism destinations in India.