Cities In Zimbabwe
List of the cities in Zimbabwe.
- 100 Acre Lots
- Adylinn
- Alexandra Park
- Amandas
- Amby
- Angus Ranch
- Antelope
- Antelope Mine
- Antenior
- Arcadia
- Arcadia South
- Arcadia West
- Arcturas
- Arcturus
- Ardbennie
- Arlington
- Arlington Estate
- Ascot
- Ashbrittle
- Ashdown Park
- Aspindale Park
- Athlone
- Avenues
- Avoca
- Avondale
- Avondale Township
- Avondale West
- Avonlea
- Avon Rise
- Babblespruit
- Badminton Block
- Balabala
- Balla Balla
- Ballantyne Park
- Balule
- Bangamakuni
- Bangamukumi
- Banke
- Banket
- Banket Junction
- Bannockburn
- Barbour Fields
- Barham Green
- Barrington
- Battlefield
- Battlefields
- Bauhinia
- Bayi Bayi
- Beatrice
- Beitbridge
- Belgravia
- Belingwe
- Bellevue
- Belmont
- Belmont East
- Belvedere
- Belvedere North
- Belvedere South
- Bemba
- Bembesi
- Bembezi
- Bemthree
- Beswota
- Beverley
- Beverley West
- Bezha
- Bikeni Nyemba
- Bikita
- Bindura
- Bindura Town
- Binga
- Bingley
- Birchenough Bridge
- Bivis
- Bizene
- Blew Bonny
- Bloomingdale
- Blue Gum
- Bluff Hill
- Bluff Hill Park
- Boli
- Bolton
- Bonke
- Bonko
- Bonkwe
- Bonzo
- Borrowdale
- Borrowdale Brook
- Borrowdale Brooke
- Borrowdale Estate
- Borrowdale West
- Bota
- Bothashof
- Bradley Institute
- Braeside
- Brawlands
- Bromley
- Brooke Ridge
- Bubu
- Budiriro 2
- Budiriro 4
- Budiriro 5
- Budiriro
- Buffalo Range
- Buhera
- Bulale
- Bulawayo
- Bumi Hills
- Burnside
- Buschtick
- Bushtick
- Butabubili
- Butabulili
- Cashel
- Cathleen
- Cawunajena
- Cement
- Cement Siding
- Cement Station
- Centenary
- Chababomera
- Chabili
- Chadcombe
- Chafutchi
- Chakara
- Chakari
- Chamnanga
- Chancit
- Chatsworth
- Cheguto
- Chegutu
- Chemhondoro
- Chereya
- Chibi
- Chibuwe
- Chichindwe
- Chief Chereya's Village
- Chief Dabola
- Chief Mabigwa
- Chief Mabikwa
- Chief Madhliwa
- Chief Mahlaba
- Chief Mswigana
- Chief Myinga
- Chief Nebiris Village
- Chief Saba
- Chief Sai
- Chief Sikobokobo
- Chief Simupas Village
- Chief Sinampande
- Chief Sinangatenkes Village
- Chief Sinasenkwe
- Chief Sinsalis Village
- Chief Siposa
- Chief Siposo
- Chief Sivalo
- Chikombu
- Chikomo
- Chilimanzi
- Chimanimani
- Chimbango
- Chimsasa
- Chinex
- Chinhoyi
- Chinoyi
- Chipimfwe
- Chipinga
- Chipinge
- Chipise
- Chiporiro
- Chipuriro
- Chiredzi
- Chirimuanzu
- Chirunda
- Chirundo
- Chirundu
- Chirundu Township
- Chisipite
- Chiso
- Chisumbanje
- Chitofa
- Chitsunga
- Chitsungo
- Chitungwiza
- Chiva
- Chivhu
- Chiwakanyama
- Chizanje
- Chomwedzi
- Chulu
- Churugwi
- City Centre
- City
- Civic Centre
- Claremont
- Cleveland Park
- Clovelly
- Cold Comfort
- Colleen Bawn
- Colne Valley