Tripoli, Dec 30(ANI): Aisha Gaddafi, daughter of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has claimed to have suffered emotional distress after she saw her father's execution pictures.
She has now hired an Israeli lawyer to compel an International Criminal Court enquiry into her father's demise.
Aisha fled Libya before her dad and brother were captured and brutally killed by opposition forces, The Guardian reports.
Her case will be represented by Nick Kaufman, a former senior prosecutor at the ICC and now an international lawyer based in Jerusalem.
Kaufman wrote a letter to ICC prosecutor Jose Luis Moreno earlier this month for an urgent Investigation into the matter.
Gaddafi and his son Mutassim, Aisha's brother, "were murdered in the most horrific fashion with their bodies thereafter displayed and grotesquely abused in complete defiance of Islamic law. The images of this savagery were broadcast throughout the world causing my client severe emotional distress," said the letter, which has been seen by the Guardian.
The letter raised various question marks over the initiation of an enquiry, which aims to find out the circumstances under which Gaddafi and his son were killed.
To date, neither Ms Gaddafi nor any member of her family has been informed by your office of the initiation of an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the brutal murders," said the letter.
Kaufman also said that he doubted the will power of the Libyan government to investigate this matter in a genuine manner and he didn't think that Libyan government was even capable enough to investigate into the matter. (ANI)
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