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Is 'Mystery woman' in new North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's entourage his wife?

Pyongyang, Sat, 24 Dec 2011 ANI

Pyongyang, Dec 24 (ANI): Rumours are in circulation of a woman suddenly appearing in Kim Jong Un's entourage. It is being said that she could be the new North Korean leader's wife.


Excitement over 28-year-old Kim Jong Un's pretty new companion has grown after she was pictured among senior leaders which included the 83-year-old Kim Yong Nam, the chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly.


The woman stood out against the line of uniformed men around her as she seemingly confirmed recent South Korean reports that the new leader was married to a doctoral student from the prestigious Kim-il Sung University in Pyongyang.


Although she was not named, she was said to be from the northeastern city of Chongjin, and to be two years younger than her husband, The Daily Mail reports.


The Daily NK website also revealed she gave birth to his daughter last year. While commentators believe the most likely story is that she is indeed his wife, some have suggested she could actually be one of the late Dear Leader's four daughters.


Kim Jong Il had four daughters and the oldest, Kim Hye Kyong, would be in her early 40s. Another, Kim Yo-chong, was born in the late 1980s.


According to the paper, the guessing game comes as North Korea made another step towards openness by saying it will admit delegations from the South that wish to visit Pyongyang to express their condolences. (ANI)


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