New York, Dec 14 (ANI): Pakistan's Ambassador to the U.N. Abdullah Hussain Haroon has said Afghanistan should "take a leaf out of India's book" and learn from the "enormous maturity" it has shown in dealing with issues, instead of being "accusatory towards Pakistan."
"I wish President Karzai could take a leaf out of the Indian book, instead of being accusatory towards Pakistan," The News quoted Haroon, as saying.
He said that even if a "leaf falls on the grass in Afghanistan," the Afghan leader points a finger towards Islamabad, saying the "Pakistanis must have done it."
"It does not work that way. I think India would be a good example for Karzai to follow in which he should realise that this accusatory game gets no where," Haroon added.
The Pakistani envoy said if India and his country are building ties, Afghanistan should "take a clue" and also be on the same track and "learn from India which has shown, in my mind, such enormous maturity".
"Let's talk to each other.... May be something good comes of it. That is what is happening between India and Pakistan. I think it is a proud moment for both countries," he said.
Last week, Karzai had blamed Pakistani extremists for the attack on Shiite Muslims in Kabul that killed 58 people.
Demanding justice from the government in Islamabad, Karzai had said his country will take up the issue with Pakistan "very seriously".
In recent months, leaders from the two nations have met on various occasions seeking to "write a new chapter" in their often tense relations.
Cautioning that on the way both countries would have to deal with "radicalism", Haroon said: "We have to prepare against that. There will be casualties, trouble but together we will be a larger amount of people who could combat against intolerance, hatred and strife." (ANI)