New York, Oct.28 (ANI): Some of the American military's top counterintelligence analysts have claimed that in recent years there have been a significant increase in both old school spying and cyber operations, especially by unnamed East Asian nations.
According to ABC News, the spying has been directed at gaining classified information on America's autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) in hopes of undercutting the U.S.'s "underseas battlespace dominance."
"The technology base of the United States is under constant attack," a new report by the Counterintelligence Directorate of the Pentagon's Defense Security Service says.
It further says: "This pervasive and enduring threat is like the weather: ever-present, yet ever changing."he maritime drones, which have been stalking the world's oceans for more than a decade for the U.S. Navy, are capable of a variety of missions including enemy craft and port surveillance, anti-mine operations and even "payload delivery", according to the Navy.
The DSS report is compiled annually based on incident reports by private U.S. contractors who say they've had suspicious contact with a foreign entity that expressed interest in classified technology.
The report covers several popular targets for espionage-from U.S. information systems to space technology-but singled out the underwater drones this year as a "special focus area" because it has shown to be a "growing collection area".
The DSS predicts foreign production of AUVs to swiftly increase and, along with it, interest in stealing related U.S. technology.
Though no individual countries are named in the DSS report, China has been suspected in several highly-publicized cyber attacks on U.S. companies and government agencies.
The DSS said that since U.S. contractors will continue developing advanced technology for the U.S., they will continue to be the "primary target for foreign entities seeking to improve their country's abilities or to simply profit from pirating the technology." (ANI)
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