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Jailed Egyptian blogger prefers 'suicide' to being prisoner of Army 'Nazi criminals'

Cairo, Wed, 19 Oct 2011 ANI

Cairo, Oct 19 (ANI): An Egyptian blogger jailed for criticising the country's military junta has aid that he would rather have the honour of committing suicide than becoming a prisoner.


"If the militarists thought that I would be tired of my hunger strike and accept imprisonment and enslavement, then they are dreamers," The Guardian quoted Maikel Nabil Sanad, as saying in a statement.


Sanad, whose hunger strike has entered its 57th day, has announced that he would boycott the latest court case against him, insisting: "It's more honourable [for] me to die committing suicide than [it is] allowing a bunch of Nazi criminals to feel that they succeeded in restricting my freedom. I am bigger than that farce."


A military tribunal had handed down a three-year sentence to Sanad, whom Amnesty International has declared to be a prisoner of conscience, for publishing a blog post entitled "The people and the army were never on one hand".


The online statement, which deliberately inverted a popular pro-military chant, agitated Egypt's ruling generals who took power after the ousting of former president Hosni Mubarak, and have since been accused of multiple human rights violations to shut down protests. (ANI)


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