Islamabad, July 28 (ANI): Pakistan Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani has said that the elected government knows how to resolve the complex national issues and those who wished clash between the institutions would be disappointed.
Gilani, while talking to Parliamentary Secretaries, said that judiciary, executive and parliament are a part of the Pakistan constitutional system and that all institutions collectively strengthen the system.
He said that the restoration of democracy owed itself to nine-year old strenuous struggle and supreme sacrifice of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and "we would not let it go to waste".
He maintained democracy would flourish in the country if all state institutions worked within their constitutional ambits, the News reports.
He further said that Pakistan's democracy could not go into a blind alley. Those who spread despondency are doing no service to democracy, he added.
The Parliamentary Secretaries apprised Gilani about their working and problems at the meeting. (ANI)