Tokyo, Mar.16 (ANI): Thousands of tourists and residents left Tokyo and fled to safer areas on wednesday, despite official reassurances that radiation levels in the capital were negligible and posed no threat to health, after an explosion in reactor no 2 of the Fukushima nuclear plant, threatened to send radiation levels soaring.
The explosion is believed to have caused a crack in the chamber of reactor no 2 and steam and radioactive substances are reportedly pouring out through it, raising the contamination levels.
Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yukio Edano, said that the levels quickly fell again, but refused to rule out further leaks.
Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan has warned that the risk of further contamination from the Fukushima complex was 'still high'.
Experts and government ministers have warned that contamination in the areas around the plant, about 300 km north east of Tokyo, was dangerous to human health, and told the people living there to evacuate or stay indoors.
Several airlines, including Air China and Lufthansa, have also stopped services into the city's airports, The Independent reports.
However, experts have tried to dampen down fears of a catastrophe.
Masako Sawai, an expert from the Citizens' Nuclear Information Centre said: "We don't believe it is necessary to evacuate Tokyo, even though the radioactivity is certainly out there. However, there is a possibility that our view may change depending on how the reactor activity progresses."
Ryousuke Sanada, who works for a food distribution company said: "We're being sent west by our company, to Osaka. They say it's just a normal transfer, but they're worried about the radiation."
Experts have repeatedly cautioned against over- reaction, saying that a Chernobyl-style catastrophe is unlikely. They said modern nuclear plants are built better, and the Fukushima complex has been shut down since last Friday. But such reassurances have not been able to calm the people who fear that the worst is yet to come.
The shops in the area have started running out of water, toilet rolls and rice as people are stocking up on necessities in case things got worse.
Candles, facemasks and umbrellas have sold out, after government officials advised using them for protection against the radiation. (ANI)
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