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Proud Chelsea Clinton honours mom Hillary for being 'an inspiration'

Europe, Sun, 13 Mar 2011 ANI

London, Mar 13 (ANI): Chelsea Clinton showed just how much she admires her mother as she honoured Hillary Clinton with the inaugural Inspiration Award at the annual Diller-von Furstenberg Awards in New York.


"My mother once said, 'I wasn't born a First Lady or a Senator. I wasn't born a Democrat. I wasn't born a wife or mother'," the Daily Mail quoted Chelsea as saying.


"But I think she may have been born an advocate for human rights, women's rights and children's rights," she said.


The event took place at the United Nations and the 31-year-old stepped up to present her mother with the prestigious honour.


The Secretary of State looked overjoyed to be receiving the award from her daughter.


"I've been given lots of awards, and I cannot think of one that means more to me or has greater personal delight for me than this one named on behalf of Diane, a dear friend and also an inspiration, and presented by my daughter," she said.


Belgian-born fashion designer Diane Von Furstenberg added, "Each winner demonstrates a remarkable level of courage and leadership and serves to inspire other women all over the world." (ANI)


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