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With age Kristen Wiig prefers comfort over style

Chile,Cinema/Showbiz,Lifestyle/Fashion, Wed, 03 Jul 2013 IANS

Los Angeles, July 3 (IANS) Actress Kristen Wiig says comfort is more important to her than fashion. The "Bridesmaids" actress prefers wearing flats instead of high heels as they hurt her feet.

"I don't really think about style. As I get older, comfort is more important," quoted Wiig as saying.

"I so badly want to be that girl who shops with her girlfriends and wears heels, but I can't do it. After one block, I'd have to go buy flats," she added.

The 39-year-old also said that she tries to be fit and look after her skin.

"I take care of my skin and I try to exercise a little bit here and there, but not as much as I should. I walk and I do yoga sometimes. I eat well and I meditate, I think it's all connected," she said.

Wiig also talked about her favourite designers, citing Victoria Beckham's designed clothes as one of her wardrobe staples. She also said that she keeps changing her hairstyle and hair colour.

"I love Alexander Wang, The Row, opening ceremony and Victoria Beckham - her dresses are amazing," said Wiig.

"My natural colour is dark brown. I get bored easily so I'm constantly changing it - it's fun. Also, I like my hair to look a bit different in each film that I do. Right now, I'm trying to grow it out. It keeps getting this long and then I keep cutting it," she added.

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