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Pope Francis bemoans existence of 'gay lobby' in Vatican

Washington, Wed, 12 Jun 2013 ANI

Washington, June 12 (ANI): A regional organization for religious priests and nuns has confirmed that its leaders had written a synthesis of Pope Francis' remarks following the June 6 assembly where the Pope had expressed grave concerns that a 'gay lobby' has been working at the Vatican, thus revealing the truth about corruption and dysfunction in the Holy area.

The Church group apologized to the Pope for the synthesis and expressed dissatisfaction that the document had been published, Fox News reports.

The document quoted Pope as saying that corruption exists in the Vatican even with many holy people around.

According to the report, the Italian media had given reports of a 'gay lobby' influencing papal decision-making and Vatican policy through blackmail in the month of February and also suggested that the scandal had partially led to Pope Benedict's decision to resign.

However, the Vatican at that time had denounced the reporting as defamatory, 'unverified, unverifiable or completely false.'

But the synthesis said that Francis revealed the loopholes in the administrative shortcomings saying that he had been relying on the group of eight cardinals that he had appointed for leading the reform of the Vatican bureaucracy.

The religious Church group however has asserted that they have not recorded Francis' remarks but the members of its leadership team have written a synthesis of the points he had made for their own personal use and using the synthesis, nothing can be attributed with certainty to the Pope. (ANI)

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