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'Broken' immigration system should be fixed after Boston bombings, say US senators

Washington , Mon, 22 Apr 2013 ANI

Washington, Apr 22 (ANI): The Boston bombings expose gaps in the United

State's immigration system, and the tragedy could be a turning point in fixing the problem, say US senators.

The Boston bombings and the foreign-born suspects have become part of the Capitol Hill debates on legislation to overhaul immigration law.

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham told CNN that now it is the time to bring all of the 11 million illegal immigrants out of the shadows and find out who they are.

According to Fox News, Graham and New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer, members of a bipartisan Senate group working on immigration reform, said a key part of the legislation is better tracking of who enters and exits the United States on visas.

Graham also stressed that what happened in Boston should urge them to act quicker.

Two bombs placed Monday near the Boston Marathon finish line killed three people and injured more than 180 others.

The first suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was killed early Friday morning in a police shootout. His 19-year-old brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was captured by police that night and remains in the hospital. (ANI)

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