Washington, Apr. 18 (ANI): US Secretary of State John Kerry has said efforts to reach a two-state solution to bring about peace between Israel and the Palestinians is up to two years or the whole concept will become infeasible.
At a hearing at a House Foreign Affairs Committee, Kerry said that he was committed to this because he believed the window for a two-state solution is shutting.
He added that he thought they have some period of time: a year, a year and a half to two years-or it's over.
According to Politico, Kerry traveled to Israel and the West Bank with President Barack Obama late last month and then returned just a few days ago. In Israel, Obama spoke about a window for a peace deal but he didn't give a time frame.
Kerry said he has 'enormous confidence' in Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, who announced his resignation last week.
He however said that Fayyad's departure from that post doesn't doom the possibility of peace, even though Fayyad was widely seen by the U.S. as moderate, honest leader who had helped bring a stop to attacks from the West Bank on Israel, the report said.
According to the report, Kerry said both Israelis and Palestinians have 'enormous mistrust' for each other, but are making gestures to keep alive the possibility of peace negotiations.
A two-state solution has been the focus of international efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for two decades.
In recent years, some Palestinians have put their support behind a single, democratic state in Israel and the West Bank, but Israel's government views that as a non-starter since it would by definition mean the end of Israel as a Jewish nation, the report added. (ANI)