Washington, Jan. 27 (ANI): In her first interview since leaving Fox News, Sarah Palin said that she doesn't want to 'just preach to the choir' and that she is looking to take her message to a 'larger audience'.
The former Alaska governor said told Breitbart News that there needs to be 'more truth-telling in the media' and called for fellow conservatives to follow her lead and expand their audience.
She told the conservative news site that she encouraged others to step out in faith, jump out of the comfort zone, and broaden their reach as believers in American exceptionalism.
According to Politico, she said that 'they can't just preach to the choir,' adding that "the message of liberty and true hope must be understood by a larger audience.'
It was reported on Friday that Palin had parted ways with Fox News after three years and would no longer be a paid contributor. Palin joined Fox News in 2009, after she resigned as Alaska governor.
As for her future plans, Palin told Breitbart News the "door is wide open."
The former Republican vice presidential nominee also took aim at what she described as the 'biased' media's role in the 2012 race.
In the Q and A, which consisted of three questions, Palin also blasted D.C. as "out of touch, obviously" and named conservatives in the media such as Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh and writers at Breitbart News as voices to look at as the 2014 election approaches, the report added. (ANI)