London, Jan. 24 (ANI): The Turkish community has accused popular toy manufacturer Lego of promoting racism through a Star Wars toy that allegedly depicts a mosque.
Members of the Turkish Cultural Community of Austria had claimed that toy, a Jabba's Palace model from Lego's Star Wars range, is offensive because it resembles the Hagia Sophia Mosque in Istanbul, the Daily Mail reports.
The group added that the toy also bears a similarity to the Jami al-Kabir Mosque in Beirut, Lebanon, and the watch tower in the set looks like a minaret.
According to the group, who refers to the character Jabba as a terrorist, the ugly figure of Jabba and the entire scenario portrayed by the set depicts people from Asia as deceitful and criminals.
The case came to light after a Turkish man expressed his dissatisfaction with the toy after it was purchased for his son.
The Turkish organisation warned of legal action against Lego in Austria, Germany and Turkey if it does not get a satisfactory response from the toy manufacturer.
Katharina Sasse, a Lego employee, said that the product is inspired from the Star Wars movie saga and does not resemble any actual existing buildings, people or the mentioned mosque.
The Lego set is based on the home of Jabba the Hutt, a central character in the Star Wars series, who lives in a domed palace with a separated watchtower. (ANI)