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Four kidney brokers jailed in China

China,Crime/Disaster/Accident, Thu, 17 Jan 2013 IANS

Beijing, Jan 17 (IANS) Four people in China have been sentenced to jail for rounding up 10 kidney sellers and housing them in a rented house to wait for transplant surgeries.

Two convicts, Deng Kaijun and Li Shengchang, met each other in 2009. The cash-strapped due wanted to sell their kidneys, the Poyang County People's Court was told in Jiangxi province, Shanghai Daily reported Thursday.

In April 2012, Deng asked Li to join him in the lucrative organ-trafficking business by working as go-betweens. They found two more partners who paid them 17,000 yuan (over $2,700) as shareholders.

They posted advertisement on a social networking website and provided the intended kidney sellers food and accommodation in their rented house in Poyang. They used to frequent dialysis wards in hospitals around the country looking for prospective buyers.

According to police, a seller would earn 30,000 to 50,000 yuan for a kidney. But a broker could manage to earn as much as 280,000 yuan in commission.

Last July, when police raided their house, it saved 10 young sellers aged 18 and 27, including two students from well-known universities.

Deng was sentenced to four years in jail. Li and another man was awarded a two-year term while the fourth man was given a six-month sentence.

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