Rome, Nov 20 (IANS) Europe is determined to overcome its current crisis, Italian President Giorgio Napolitano said after meeting his German and Polish counterparts in Italy.
"At a time when many look at Europe with uncertainty or detachment, and Europe no longer seems capable of realizing the promise of a fair society... we heads of state of new and old EU member countries want to convey a message of encouragement," said a statement from the presidency office Monday.
"We will overcome this severe economic and financial crisis," it added.
During the meeting, held in southern Naples, Napolitano, Joachim Gauck and Bronislaw Komorowski discussed issues of economic governance amid the current debt crisis, and the present and future role of the European Union in the world, reported Xinhua.
The three leaders called on a strengthened Europe, animated by a profound spirit of union and solidarity between all member states, and also stressed "the importance of the EU enlargement", as well as the values of linguistic and cultural diversity, "a hallmark of our society and lifestyles" which grounds its roots "in the strength of those who rebuilt Europe after the Second World War".
Education, science and research must be the "indispensable" priorities for ensuring prosperity and a bright future for European new generations, they said.