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Malala a symbol of girls' education: Zardari

Islamabad , Sat, 10 Nov 2012 ANI

Islamabad, Nov. 10 (ANI): Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari, in his message on the occasion of 'Malala Day' that is being observed worldwide on Saturday, has said that Malala Yousufzai stands tall as a symbol of girls' education and defiance against those who wish to impose their obscurantist agenda behind the facade of religion.

"Malala Day is being observed today all over the world to show solidarity with the brave daughter of Pakistan Malala Yousufzai who stood defiantly to militants to pursue her education and refused to bow to their threats and faced the bullets instead of giving up," the Daily Times quoted Zardari, as saying.

"Malala is a symbol of all that is good about us. Malala's attackers are not just trying to kill the daughter of Pakistan but they are trying to kill Pakistan. They didn't stop at Afghanistan. They won't stop at Pakistan. Attack on her is an attack on every child in our region. It is an attack on the future of our region. We cannot sit idly as our children are attacked. We must act. Urgently," he further said.

The Pakistani Taliban shot 15-year-old Malala in the head and neck while she was returning home from school on October 9. She was attacked for speaking against the Taliban and advocating girls' right to education.

"Malala has transcended from an individual to an idea and the observance today shows that the idea lives on," Zardari added.

The president also wished to thank UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for urging the international community to observe Malala Day on November 10.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf said Pakistan would join the world community to pay tribute to Malala for her bravery, courage and unflinching determination and her passion for education.

He said the attack on Malala was not merely an attack on an individual "rather it was an attack on our values, culture, traditions and our way of life". He said those who attacked Malala represent a bigoted, radicalised mindset.

Ashraf said Malala is the face of "moderate, modern and pluralistic Pakistan". He said

Malala is a voice of those who stand for women education, a right guaranteed under the constitution of Pakistan and ordained by Islamic teachings. (ANI)

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