Washington, Oct. 3 (ANI): American actor Ben Affleck said he had high hopes from then- candidate Barack Obama in 2008, but his record in the Oval Office has not been all the he had hoped.
"I voted for Obama last time although he got to be all things to all people then," Affleck said, adding: "And now he's got a record which makes it really different ... I obviously have more complicated feelings".
According to Politico, that does not mean he is supporting Republican candidate Mitt Romney, though.
Affleck, who did the interview to promote his new film 'Argo', compared Romney to past failed candidates.
"I think Republicans really had a chance to win," Affleck said.
"And they kind of ended up with like a sort of Mike Dukakis, Al Gore, Bob Dole type - who just couldn't get people to see him as a real person somehow. Romney just had such trouble coming off as just like the kind of person you see at the grocery store. And I truly believe that has cost him the election," he added. (ANI)