Washington, Oct. 3 (ANI): Egypt's Information Minister and member of the conservative Muslim Brotherhood Party, Salah Abdel Maksud, has been criticized for asking a female Dubai TV interviewer on air that if her questions would be as "hot" as her.
Maksud was caught on camera asking Dubai TV news show host Zeina Yazjy the "inappropriate inquiry" during an interview last week.
"I hope your questions won't be as hot as you," the New York Daily News quoted Maksud, as saying.
Without missing a beat, Yazjy replied with a smirk saying, "My questions may be hot, but I am the opposite, I'm very cold."
Following the incident, hundreds of Egyptians took to Twitter to condemn the right-wing politician's comment, which they deemed "inappropriate" and "out of place."
Some said the catty remark was "hypocritical," because his Islamist-dominated government last month lifted a ban on female news presenters in Egypt wearing a veil.
Maksud is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, the political and religious party currently in power under President Mohamed Morsi, the report said. (ANI)