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New website to allow 'potential' employees to find out what workplace would be like before they ta

Sydney , Sun, 30 Sep 2012 ANI

Sydney, Sep. 30 (ANI): Working professionals in Australia can now undertake anonymous reviews of their potential workplaces on a new website, while considering applying for an advertised position.

The website, InsideTrak, allows potential employees to easily access what a workplace is like before they go there, just how travellers on Trip Advisor can compare and share their experiences of - for example - a Roman bus tour.

"We're looking at a change that is about people sharing information online and being open to do so. We've gone to great pains to protect user anonymity but also to control the quality of the reviews," The Age quoted InsideTrak founder and chief executive Mike Larsen, as saying.

According to the paper, recent reviews includes a "NO GO ZONE" from one reviewer for the Australian College of Dermatologists in Rhodes, NSW, which received only one star out of a possible five, while on the other hand, mining giant Rio Tinto's iron ore business in Perth scored 4.5 stars, attracting comments like "Rio Tinto Iron Ore is a world class company with world class opportunities".

Larsen said he was optimistic that the website would also have an impact on how employers manage workplaces.

"Right now when someone goes to look for a job they really just get the employer's perspective. This is really to help answer the question 'what's it really like to work there'," he said.

"It actually is really starting to create a much more open dialogue about what is happening in the workplace and my belief is that it will help people to make informed decisions about where they work and who they hire," he added. (ANI)

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