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Rebel deserters slain in Colombia

Colombia,Terrorism, Tue, 25 Sep 2012 IANS

Bogota, Sep 25 (IANS/EFE) Four men who abandoned the FARC rebel group in 2006 were murdered in the northwestern city of Medellin, Colombian authorities said Monday.

The former insurgents, two of them brothers, had their throats slit in separate - but almost simultaneous - attacks, the city's deputy public safety secretary, Jair Jimenez told EFE.

Each victim was abducted and taken to another location to be killed, he said.

The men had been part of a unit of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, that operated in the Urrao region of Antioquia province, whose capital is Medellin.

"But we can't say yet that this was the motive for the murders," Jimenez said.

Representatives of the FARC, Colombia's largest rebel army, and President Juan Manuel Santos' government will meet Oct 8 in Oslo to formally launch the third peace process since the guerrilla group's founding, in 1964.

The two earlier attempts at a negotiated peace collapsed in mutual recriminations.

The FARC, which once had nearly 20,000 men and women under arms, now numbers around 8,500 combatants.



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