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Chinese protest at Japanese embassy over islands issue

China,Business/Economy,Politics, Sat, 15 Sep 2012 IANS

Beijing, Sep 15 (IANS/RIA Novosti) Thousands of protestors staged a rally at the Japanese embassy in Beijing against Japan's recent nationalisation of the contested Diaoyu islands, according to Chinese TV station Fenghuang.

Relations between the two countries grew tense this week after Japan purchased three of the five islands, located in the East China Sea, from a private owner, despite warnings from China that such a move would endanger Chinese territorial sovereignty.

A sea of protestors wielding Chinese flags broke through a ring of police officers at the Japanese embassy, and hurled raw eggs, plastic bottles and other debris at the building, according to the Chinese TV station.

Protests against Tokyo's move have continued all week at various locations, including at Japanese missions, car dealerships and restaurants.

The Diaoyu (or Senkaku in Japanese) islands has long been a disputed territory between the two countries. Japan claims it has occupied the islands since 1895, while China has said the islands were labelled Chinese as early as 1783.

Tokyo says its rivals only became vocal over the issue in the 1970s upon the discovery of valuable minerals.

--IANS/RIA Novosti


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