Cairo, Sept. 14 (ANI): The U.S. Embassy in Cairo and the Muslim Brotherhood got involved in a Twitter row after protestors assaulted the mission in the Egyptian capital.
The sarcastic exchange came after hundreds of protesters angry over the anti-Islam film climbed up the wall of the embassy in Cairo, entered the grounds, pulled down the American flag and replaced it with a black, Islamist banner.
The embassy tweeted, 'What's behind violent anti-U.S. protests in Muslim nations? Watch: Violent protests target U.S. Embassy in Egypt.'
The tweet implied that the Brotherhood, whose longtime member Mohammed Morsi, who is Egypt's new president now, has been sending mixed messages, fueling public anger over the movie.
According to CBS News, it started when @Ikhwanweb, the Twitter page of the Muslim Brotherhood, re-tweeted a message in English from the group's deputy head, Khairat el-Shater.
While @lkhawanweb's tweets can still be found on their account, the tweets by @USEmbassyCairo have apparently been deleted.
The tweets read, ".@khairatalshater: We r relieved none of @usembassycairo staff were harmed and hope US-Eg relations will sustain turbulence of Tuesday's events- Ikhwanweb (@Ikhwanweb) September 13, 2012.
It added, ".@ikhwanweb Thanks. By the way, have you checked out your own Arabic feeds? I hope you know we read those too.- US Embassy Cairo (@USEmbassyCairo) September 13, 2012.
In response to the tweets, there was no immediate counter-tweet from the embassy.
The Brotherhood has put out statements in Arabic and English saying the breaching of the grounds was unacceptable, while insisting Egyptians have the right to demonstrate peacefully over the film, which it strongly denounced, the report said.
It has also urged the U.S. to prevent showings the film, which denigrates Islam's Prophet Muhammad, reflecting the demand of many of the protesters, it added. (ANI)