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Shakira sends her dad a `Happy Birthday' video

United States America,Cinema/Showbiz, Fri, 07 Sep 2012 IANS

Miami, Sep 7 (IANS/EFE) Shakira Thursday released a video in which she sings together with her father a song from the original soundtrack of "Love in the Time of Cholera", and which served as her congratulatory greeting to him on his 81st birthday.

"Happy birthday, Daddy!" said the singer, who signs herself Shak, in presenting the video, which is posted on her web site and on YouTube, and on which she also includes family pictures.

The singer appears with her father, William Mebarak, rehearsing and singing hand in hand in the studios of the Spanish group Estopa in Barcelona "Hay amores", the song she wrote for the film.

"I hoped for a boy, but when she was born I saw how pretty and how precious she was and said, 'OK, I'm going to be satisfied with this girl'," Shakira's father said jokingly at another point in the video.

Also, elsewhere in the video Shakira's mother, Nidia del Carmen Ripoll, appears answering a question and saying: "In a few words, my daughter is love and sincerity."

Also appearing on the video are family photos in a brightly lit yard in Miami, the Latin Grammys gala in Las Vegas where Shakira was presented with the Person of the Year award, and a trip to Guatemala.



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