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IAEA report to reveal 'rapid increase in Iran's uranium enrichment equipment'

London, Thu, 30 Aug 2012 ANI

London, Aug 30 (ANI): A new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is expected to say that Iran has rapidly increased the quantity of equipment at an underground uranium enrichment plant.

The report, expected to release today, will also point out that the country has not started using the new machinery to produce nuclear fuel.

The UN nuclear watchdog's report will say that over 300 centrifuges have been installed at the fortified cavern at Fordow, near the city of Qom, the Guardian reports.

The report will say that the centrifuges are not yet spinning and the rate of uranium production has not risen since the last report in May.

According to the paper, the report will also highlight Tehran's lack of cooperation with their investigation into alleged past Iranian nuclear weapons work.

Iran's refusal to allow investigators into a suspect site at Parchin, where satellite images show buildings being bulldozed and covered with earth in what IAEA officials believe is an attempt to "sanitise" the area of incriminating trace elements, will also be mentioned in the report.

According to the paper, the last IAEA report in May said that 1,064 centrifuges had been installed in one of two enrichment halls in Fordow, each with a capacity of about 1,400, but less than 700 of the installed machines were in production.

Iran has now produced about 190kg of 20 percent enriched uranium, which would be enough for one nuclear warhead if further enriched, the report said. (ANI)

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