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Hafiz Saeed slams 'anti-Islamic, non-humanitarian' re-opening of NATO supply routes

Islamabad, Wed, 04 Jul 2012 ANI

Islamabad, July 4 (ANI): Defense of Pakistan Council Chief Hafiz Saeed has said that NATO supplies routes to Afghanistan must not be reopened even if the United States has apologised over killings of 24 soldiers at Salalah check post.

Saeed said that the resumption of supply routes must not take place since the blood of Pakistani soldiers was not so cheap that only a few words could be sufficient to condoning it and allowing the killers of millions of people to get away with their crimes against humanity.

Meanwhile, religious groups in Pakistan have expressed anger over the government's plan to reopen NATO supply routes, saying such an act would never be in the interests of the country and Islam.

Religious leaders said that resumption of NATO supply routes would be 'assisting enemies in killing Afghan Muslim brothers.'

Defense of Pakistan Council (DPC) said it would re-launch its agitation movement against the rulers for compromising on vital national interests and honour.

According to The News, Jamaat-e-Islami's Ameer Syed Munawar Hasan said it would be a 'foolish decision, which the nation would never forgive.'

Hasan said if the government stuck to its decision of stopping NATO supplies, the US and NATO would be forced to withdraw from the region.

He further stressed that by restoring supplies, 'the rulers would be selling the independence of the country and neighbouring Afghanistan for dollars.' (ANI)

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