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Pakistan's policy of using Afghan Taliban as 'proxies' has 'blown up on its face': Editorial

Islamabad, Wed, 04 Jul 2012 ANI

Islamabad, July 4 (ANI): Pakistan, a country which over decades has managed to entrench itself in a full-blown war, with no resolution in sight, amidst human and financial losses as a normal occurrence, its policy of using the Afghan Taliban as proxies seems to have blown up on its face because of the nexus between the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban.

To be embroiled in a conflict in a neighbouring country for which it does not have a justifiable provocation or justification, Pakistan is being compared to a crying 'wolf' by war analysts and critics.

According to the Daily Times, the latest official condemnation of approximately 60 Afghan soldiers' alleged intrusion into Pakistani territory has unleashed a new round of accusations and counter-accusations between the two neighbours.

The death of two Pakistani tribesmen is an added tragedy in an already bloodstained scenario, while cross-border attacks, which are on the rise of late, are expected to make an already bad situation, even worse.

The constant blame game between Pakistan and Afghanistan over 'alleged' harbouring of 'good' and 'bad' Taliban on both sides of the 2,400 kilometres porous border has deteriorated the already tepid relationship between the two countries.

As the preparations of the US/NATO to pull out their troops by 2014 start to roll, the closed NATO supply routes through Pakistan and the latter's support to the Afghan Taliban in its tribal areas is seen to contribute to the growing hostility toward Pakistan.

The US/NATO have also been putting pressure on Pakistan since long to root out the Afghan Taliban's safe havens Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Pakistani soil, but somehow the accusation of Pakistan's culpability does not seem off the mark as the TTP has found safe havens in the eastern borders of Afghanistan with the Haqqani network, which controls these provinces.

The mayhem wreaked by the TTP has its stains all over Pakistan, causing innumerable deaths in the country, and before it further catapults into more bloodshed, it is time to rethink Pakistan's enfeebled, faulty, misplaced proxy war strategy in Afghanistan. (ANI)

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