Islamabad, July 3 (ANI): Pakistan is the only country that Al-Qaeda could use as a base to launch its global jihad through terrorism, a newspaper editorial has said.
According to an Express Tribune editorial, Al-Qaeda's partners seem to be growing in Pakistan.
The 'announced' followers of Al-Qaeda are the Tehreek-i-Taliban (TTP), the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) and the Jundullah.
The TTP, now spread around the country and concentrated in Karachi, targets Sufi tombs, the Jandullah attacks Shias in Iran, and the LeJ kills Shia Hazaras in Quetta, the paper said.
According to the editorial, everywhere, from Africa to the Far East, nations with Muslim majorities seem to be veering towards intolerance and fanaticism.
The report said that Pakistan is in some ways is a good example of this because of the location of Al-Qaeda's leadership in the region.
It is also present, in force, in Yemen and is inspiring killings in Iraq, the report said.
The editorial pointed put that Al Qaeda is searching for a state that it could run with enough internal revenue to carry out its terror activities.
And Pakistan is the only country qualifies for such a state as it is internally weak, externally isolated and politically fragmented, the editorial added. (ANI)