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Cameron hints at referendum on UK's future role in EU

London, Sun, 01 Jul 2012 ANI

London, July 1 (ANI): British Prime Minister David Cameron has opened the door to having a referendum on UK's future in the European Union, saying any changes would need 'full-hearted support'.

Cameron acknowledged that the country's position within an evolving European Union must have 'the full-hearted support of the British people'.

In an article on the Sunday Telegraph, Cameron also insisted that the vast majority of the British public did not support an immediate referendum on whether Britain should be in or out.

"As we get closer to the end point we will need to consider how best to get the full-hearted support of the British people, whether it is in a general election or a referendum," Sky News quoted Cameron, as saying.

"As I have said, for me the two words 'Europe' and 'referendum' can go together, particularly if we really are proposing a change in how our country is governed, but let us get the people a real choice first," he added.

Cameron's article in the newspaper comes after an EU Summit in Brussels called to tackle the eurozone crisis moved the bloc towards closer ties.

According to the report, Cameron said that he was not in favour of an in/out referendum, leading some to believe he was ruling out a popular vote altogether. (ANI)

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