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Myanmar vows to reform state media after opening up to private media

Rangoon , Thu, 28 Jun 2012 ANI

Rangoon, June 28 (Xinhua-ANI): Myanmar has vowed to make reform of state media after opening up to private media to a certain level since democratic reform began to take place last year.

Private media is now considered to have the right to publish freely far and wide, an information official claimed.

A paper reading session was organized by the News and Periodicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Information and Culture in Nay Pyi Taw Wednesday on reform of state newspapers and broadcasting stations in terms of form and content.

Through the session, ways and means were being sought to transform the form and content of the state media to that of public service media.

"Previously, the state media under the control of the ministry of information mainly inform the policies and stances, implementation and limited information of the government to the public. It barely published public based news and information, wishes, feedback and argument of people," Minister of Information and Culture U Kyaw Hsan told the paper-reading session.

Citing President U Thein Sein, U Kyaw Hsan urged giving serious attention to the print media, claimed as the 4th estate, as well as constructive criticism of the press, stressing the need to transform state media into the values of public service media to meet three objectives, namely to inform policies and stances and implementation of the government; to publish opinions, wish, aspiration and feedback of the people in response to the action of the government; and to make constructive criticism in this regard.

He urged correct practice of the very essence of democracy, keeping people informed and educated.

He insisted that every citizen shall be at liberty in expressing and publishing freely their conviction and opinions if not contrary to the laws, enacted for union security, prevalence of law and order, community peace and tranquillity or public order and morality.

He urged journalists, who already have the freedom of expression, to observe journalistic code of ethics and existing laws and rules to the letter in practicing expression of freedom.

Meanwhile, Myanmar's private print media law has been drafted and submitted to the government for discussions in the upcoming parliament session due on July 4.

The drafted law is said not inferior to international standard and those of ASEAN legislation and not to curtail freedom of literary world and journalists and press freedom but to shape dignified and genuine 4th estate. (Xinhua-ANI)

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