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Iris scans to ensure smooth sailing at airports

United Kingdom,Business/Economy,Science/Tech, Fri, 22 Jun 2012 IANS

London, June 22 (IANS) Iris scans and fingerprint scanners will ensure smooth sailing for passengers at airports, right through the car park to boarding the plane, without their having to lift a finger, reports the Daily Mail.

The new scheme is being trialled at Dallas International Airport, which will do away with the cumbersome need for any security or queues.

But then you will have to shell out a whopping $179 as fee and part with your biometric data - basically a scan of your eye and a fingerprint.

Passengers would walk with their carry-ons through a screening tunnel, where they undergo an electronic screening, removing the three or so security checks carried out in the usual way.

So, no more taking off shoes and belts or removing laptops from bags.

Mark Clifton, vice president of products and services for SRI International, the Californian firm that develops the scanners, said: "Instead of using a card or a pass, you would simply glance at a spot on the turnstile and it would open the gate if you were qualified to go through. It's very fast."

The biometric firm CLEAR announced that that it will add the pre-check security lines to Dallas International in the coming months.

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