Rio de Janeiro, June 21 (ANI): Environmentalists have termed a draft calling for green global developments which is finalized by negotiators during Rio +20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development as meaningless.
Many observers said that the 'success' at the United Nations conference was possible only after the agreement was watered down so far it became meaningless.
"Rio has turned into an epic failure. It has failed on equity, failed on ecology and failed on economy," Sydney Morning Herald quoted the executive director of Greenpeace International, Kumi Naidoo, as saying.
The World Wildlife Fund executive director, Jim Leape, said the document was a 'colossal failure of leadership and vision'.
The agreement states that the world should negotiate new 'sustainable development goals' by 2015, but could not agree even what themes they should cover.
It states that the world should 'take urgent action on unsustainable production and consumption', but says nothing about how that should be achieved.
The Oxfam spokesman Stephen Hale said the world leaders should 'start again'.
Brazilian negotiators conceded that the European Union, often a leading force at such negotiations, had taken a far weaker role due to its unfolding financial crisis.
The European Commissioner for Climate Change, Connie Hedegaard, said after the deal was struck 'nobody in that room was happy, that's how weak it was".
The 'high seas alliance' of 25 environmental groups that lobby on the issue said the result was 'profoundly disappointing'. (ANI)