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Yogananda biography wins international award

United States America,Art/Culture/Books,Religion, Fri, 25 May 2012 IANS

Los Angeles, May 25 (IANS) A biography of Indian yoga guru Paramhansa Yogananda and an Indian cookery book have won honours at an international book awards event here.


The JPX Media Group has announced over 300 winners and finalists in more than 100 categories in its third annual awards from mainstream and independent titles. These include print, e-books and audio books.


According to Jeffrey Keen, president and CEO of JPX Media Group, Swami Kriyananda's biography of Yogananda, based on personal reflections and reminiscences, was judged the best new book in spirituality.


The Gorakhpur-born Yogananda was an exponent of Kriya Yoga who lived in the US from 1920 until his death in 1952. His classic "Autobiography of a Yogi" was published in 1946.


A finalist in the spirituality section was "The Search...That Seeks You" by Sangamithra Amudha, published in Chennai.


Sanjeev Kapoor's "The Yellow Chilli Cookbook" (Popular Prakashan) was declared the winner in the cookbooks category.


The categories in which awards were announced included, among others, autobiography, business, health, children's picture book, parenting and family, mystery and suspense, current events, self-help, travel, animal and pets, education and environment.


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