Canton (Michigan), Jan 8 (ANI): Members of a Michigan Sikh community are upset after a student was banned from bringing a religious sword called Kirpan to a public school.
The incident occurred at Bentley Elementary School in Canton when a fourth grader was caught wearing a small saber underneath his clothing, reports.
"It's a religious symbol. It just reminds you for your spirituality. It's a fight against your internal evils," said Sikh community leader Tejkiran Singh.
After inspecting the saber and determining it did not have any sharp edges, the principal initially gave it back to the boy.
However, the Plymouth-Canton School District said they reviewed state and federal law and since the symbol resembles a weapon, they banned it in December.
But Singh said: "Equal damage could be done with a fork or with a butter knife. Every kid has a pair of scissors, a pencil."
Many parents whom did not want to be identified agreed with the ban.
"It should stay at home, in my opinion," said one person.
"If it's somebody's religion, I would wonder if there's a reason or purpose for them to have to have it at school," said another. (ANI)