Nevada (US), Dec 21 (ANI): Hindus and Jews have applauded Pope Benedict for his call to the authorities to dedicate "greater energy to healthcare structures".
In his message for the 19th "World Day of the Sick" published on The Holy See website, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI calls on the authorities "to dedicate ever greater energy to healthcare structures capable of bring help and support to the suffering, especially the poor and needy".
Well known Hindu statesman Rajan Zed and Rabbi Jonathan B. Freirich, prominent Jewish leader in Nevada and California in USA, in a statement in Nevada today, said that it was the moral responsibility of the world governments to provide medical care to their citizens.
Access to healthcare should be a fundamental right worldwide, Rajan Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, and Rabbi Freirich added.
Pope Benedict heads the Roman Catholic Church, which is the largest of Christian denominations. (ANI)