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Sarah Palin says Americans, love for her country inspired her new book

Washington, Fri, 17 Dec 2010 ANI

Washington, Dec 17 (ANI): Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has in an interview revealed that Americans and love for her country was what inspired her to write her new book.


Palin, 46, spoke about her book, 'America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag', during an interview on 'Good Morning America'.


"I want people to remember that there are things that we as individuals who maybe are not in positions of power with titles or positions of authority, that we can do as individuals to allow America to remain exceptional," ABC News quoted her as saying.


"And how we do that is make sure we realize what the time-tested truths are that really make the foundation of our country.


"To me, the foundation is, it's faith, it's the patriotism, the love of country and it's love of family, and family isn't just whom you are born into but it's who you choose to associate with.


"Those things that we can all hold on to as individuals and then collectively protect [are] what it is that makes America the most exceptional nation on this earth," she added. (ANI)


Read More: Pali

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