Islamabad, Nov 1(ANI): Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Malik has given heads of various departments under his ministry a one week deadline to end corruption.
"We have to uproot this menace of corruption and I give one week to all heads of departments to take necessary actions in this regard," the Nation quoted Malik, as saying.
"The government has taken corruption as terrorism and we'll fight it on a war footing," he added.
He also urged the media to highlight any corruption in government departments with proper evidence, and said that results of the drive would be seen in the next two months.
The follows Pakistan's 143rd rank on a list of 178 issued by Transparency International on its 2010 corruption perceptions index.
Scoring 2.3, Pakistan stands at the 143th position, while neighbour India has got the 87th rank with a score of 3.3.
Meanwhile, Transparency International Pakistan's Chairman Syed Adil Gilani welcomed the government's initiative to fight corruption.
"Corruption is everywhere, in every government department and this action shows they were not doing it before," Gilani said. (ANI)