Washington, Oct. 30 (ANI): State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley sent a birthday message to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad via Twitter Friday, prompting a response by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin who described the post as "mind boggling foreign policy."
Crowley posted two short messages directed at the Iranian president, who turned 54 this week.
"Happy birthday President Ahmadinejad," the first tweet reads. "Celebrate by sending Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer home. What a gift that would be."
Fattal and Bauer were arrested near the Iranian border with Iraq in July of 2009 and have been held in Iran since on charges of espionage.
Crowley has called for their return on nearly a daily basis, insisting they are innocent.
The second tweets reads: "Your 54th year was full of lost opportunities. Hope in your 55th year you will open Iran to a different relationship with the world."
Taking issue with the message, Palin wrote: "Happy B'day Ahmadinejad wish sent by US Govt. Mind boggling foreign policy: owtow and coddle enemies; snub allies. Obama Doctrine is nonsense."
Her message continued in a separate tweet: "Americans awaken 2 bizarre natl security thinking of Obama Admn: Ahmadinejad b'day greeting after call 4 Israel's destruction speaks volumes."
Palin is known for delivering her messages over the social media outlets Facebook and Twitter.
Crowley said he had no comment to make. (ANI)
Read More: Pali