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O'Donnell wanted to stop 'whole country from having premarital sex'

Washington, Sat, 25 Sep 2010 ANI

Washington, Sept 26 (ANI): Delaware GOP Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell said during a 2003 television appearance that she wanted to stop "the whole country from having sex."


In the video, O'Donnell is shown on MSNBC debating Eric Nies, who was talking about his efforts to encourage young people to practice safe sex.


"I tell them to be careful," CBS News quoted Nies as saying in the video, debating O'Donnell.


When O'Donnell responded, "The sad reality is-yes, there is something you can do about it. And the sad reality, to tell them slap on a condom is not," Nies interrupted, "You're going to stop the whole country from having sex?" She replied, "Yeah. Yeah."


"I'm a young woman in my thirties and I remain chaste. It's unrealistic to think they're just going to do it anyway. Kids are not just dogs in heat," she added.


O'Donnell's prior comments have also come under the limelight.


"The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So-you can't masturbate without lust," she said.


O'Donnell has said she is no longer talking to national media outlets, but has dismissed other comments that have garnered controversy, including those on masturbation and dabbling in witchcraft, as reflecting her passion for her faith and the experimentation typical of young people. (ANI)



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