Nevada (US), Sept 25 (ANI): World should take immediate steps to tackle global hunger and poverty, eminent Hindu statesman Rajan Zed stated in Nevada (USA) today.
Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, pointed out that number of hungry people had risen in the world crossing the billion mark. Something needed to be done urgently as it was a sin to watch hungry people around us day after day and not do anything.
Rajan Zed further said that we as world citizens should be ashamed that it was 2010 and reportedly in many countries, there was lack of classrooms and teachers; women comparatively in low-paid jobs; high gender gap at college/university level; child deaths and maternal mortality numbers remained high; absence of basic sanitation facilities for about half of the world population; number of people living in slums was rising; growth in economy had not benefitted the poorest; and inequalities in the status of women were continuing. Rich countries had not reportedly met their commitment of donating 0.7 percent of their income.
Zed argued that world needed to create a strong political will and become serious in tackling poverty, improving availability of education and health facilities and come to the rescue of children and mothers.
Religions also should not remain silent spectators and should become active partners in helping world's poor and hungry as religion told us to help the helpless, Rajan Zed stressed. (ANI)