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Both Republicans, Democrats are evenly placed for mid-term polls

New York, Thu, 16 Sep 2010 ANI

New York, Sept.16 (ANI): The latest New York Times/CBS News poll has found that while voters rate the performance of Democrats negatively, they view Republicans as even worse, providing a potential opening for Democrats to make a last-ditch case for keeping their hold on power.


The poll represents a snapshot of the country's political mood as the campaign pivots from primary contests that have revealed deep divisions among Republicans into the general election, where the parties deliver their competing arguments to a wider audience.


The findings suggest that there are opportunities and vulnerabilities for both parties as they proceed into the final seven weeks of the campaign.


From a Republican point of view, voters are remarkably open to change, even if they are not sure where Republicans will lead them. Most Americans, including one-third of those in the coalition that elected Obama, now say he does not have a clear plan to solve the nation's problems or create jobs.


From a Democrat point of view, voters see them as having better ideas for solving the country's problems. The public steadfastly supports the president's proposal to let tax cuts expire for the wealthiest Americans.


And far more people still blame Wall Street and the Bush administration than blame Obama for the country's economic problems.


Voters have a darker view of Congressional Republicans than of Democrats, with 63 percent disapproving of Democrats and 73 percent disapproving of Republicans.


But with less than two months remaining until Election Day, there are few signs that Democrats have made gains persuading Americans that they should keep control of Congress.


In many election cycles, voters readily acknowledge that they are dissatisfied with government or Congress in general, but they tend to have a stronger connection toward their own representative.


That is not the case this year, with 55 percent of voters saying it is time for new leadership and only 34 percent saying their lawmaker deserves re-election. It is a historic high for a question asked in each midterm election year since 1990.


The national telephone poll was conducted Friday through Tuesday, the day that primary contests unfolded in seven states. The survey included 990 adults, of whom 881 were registered voters.


The poll had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points. (ANI)


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