Islamabad, July 20 (ANI): Ruling out any possibility of an India like civil nuclear accord with Pakistan, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said that there are issues which are yet to be resolved, and unless the international community and the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) are satisfied on the matter no progress can be made.
Addressing journalists and members of civil society here, Clinton highlighted that the Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG) has raised a number of questions over any nuclear deal with Pakistan.
"NSG has posed series of questions that need to be answered ... there are clearly reservations. Pakistan knows that. I'm looking forward to the answers to the questions," Clinton said.
Referring Dr . Abdul Qadeer Khan's nexus, she said that Pakistan has a history of proliferation, which can not be ignored.
"The problem with A. Q. Khan raises red flags for people around the world, not just in the US, because we can trace the export of nuclear information and material from Pakistan through all kinds of channels to many different countries. That cannot be overlooked or put under the carpet," The Dawn quoted Clinton, as saying.
"Pakistan, right now, is the only country standing in the way of the Conference on Disarmament pursuing something called the Fissile Material Cut Off Treaty," she added. (ANI)