New York, July 17 (ANI): British Petroleum (BP) has confirmed that the new cap is still preventing the oil from spilling into the Gulf of Mexico, but has expressed concern over the less than satisfactory rise of pressure levels in the well.
ABC News saidthe pressure stood at 6,700 pounds per square inch on Friday.
Given that pressure levels have not reached optimum levels, some fear that that oil could have breeched the well's cement casing, bleeding into the Gulf's bedrock. Others think that with so much oil already discharged into the Gulf, the well may have started to run dry, reducing pressure in the pipe.
If the pressure fails to rise to desired levels, BP may reattach several hoses and simply funnel the oil to ships on the surface, effectively controlling the leak.
Relief wells still are the most reliable method of plugging the leak for good. The process of drilling those wells resumed today, after being put on hold for the start of the well integrity test yesterday.
Relief well drilling is two weeks away from completion, when BP will be able to pump in mud and cement to close off the blown-out well. (ANI)