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Woman becomes mother - thanks to Viagra!

London, Tue, 23 Mar 2010 ANI

London, March 23 (ANI): A woman has given birth to a baby thanks to men's sex-drive booster Viagra.


Kerry Horan, 34, suffered a miscarriage and three rounds of failed IVF since her marriage in 2002 to husband David.


After a failed IVF failed, doctors found that the blood flow to her womb was poor, making the lining too thin for an embryo to be implanted successfully.


Dr George Ndukwe at the private CARE Nottingham fertility clinic advised her to take Viagra.


"It can improve the lining, but can be dangerous and must be taken under supervision," the Sun quoted him as saying.


However, Horan, of Huddersfield, West Yorks, was not too confident that it would work.


She said: "I was shocked when they mentioned it, but willing to try anything. Minutes after taking it my body went pink and my face bright red.


"I took Viagra for nine days and it wasn't a pleasant experience."


The result was evident in a scan that showed her womb wall had thickened enough for doctors to implant IVF embryos.


She fell pregnant two weeks later and gave birth to daughter Grace, weighing 6lb 11oz, in December.


Horan said: "When we saw the baby's heartbeat on a scan we couldn't stop crying. When I finally held Grace it was the most emotional experience. Thanks to Viagra I'm a mother at last!"


It is the first time the method has been successful. (ANI)



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