New York, March 21 (ANI): An anonymous teacher in the US has come with up a blog, entitled "Fed Up With Lunch: The School Lunch Project," after nibbling on the very same meatloaf and mystery greens the students eat in the school cafeteria on a daily basis.
"Mrs. Q," as she's called, is looking to bring about changes in the school lunchrooms by continuing to eat like a schoolkid, posting pictures of the less-than-delicious meals and critiquing it on her blog.
"Let's feed all kids well. Who can argue with that?" the New York Daily News quoted her as telling Good Morning America.
She continued: "There were times I was forced to have a school lunch because I forgot my lunch. And I just remember thinking, 'this is terrible; I can't believe this.' "
The blogger went on the call the meatloaf, actually a meat patty, "deceptive," and she snapped some unidentifiable mystery greens, asking readers to help her decide if they were spinach or collard greens.
But she did like the chili and the macaroni and cheese at school, she admitted. (ANI)