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Hitler letter wishing 'cordial relationship' with UK may fetch £12k at auction

London, Tue, 02 Mar 2010 ANI

London, March 2 (ANI): A letter penned by Adolf Hitler wishing for a "truly cordial relationship" between Britain and Germany is expected to fetch 12,000 pounds at an auction in London.


The one-page letter, written in 1931 and addressed to Sefton Delmer, a British journalist, will invite bidding at a Bonhams manuscripts sale on March 23.


"I hope..that out of this crisis a new readiness will grow up in Britain to submit the past 12 years to a reappraisal," The Telegraph quoted Hitler as saying in the letter.


"I should be happy, if as a result of this, the unhappy war-psychosis could be overcome on such a scale as to permit the realisation of the truly cordial relationship between the British and the German peoples so eagerly desired by myself and my movement.


"For I believe that the crisis now breaking in on us can only be solved by the closest political collaboration of those nations who see in the re-establishment of a natural European balance of power the first precondition to dealing with those great world problems under which Britain, too, suffers today," he added. (ANI)


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