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"Super pooch" caught swimming 2km out to sea!

Melbourne, Fri, 19 Feb 2010 ANI

Melbourne, Feb 19 (ANI): A dog spotted swimming 2km from a coast in north Queensland, Australia has been rescued.


Paul Daniel and his pal Steven Pye found the male bull terrier cross while on a day trip to High Island, about 6km off the coast of Fishery Falls, south of Cairns.


They were apparently returning in a dinghy to their camping site when they saw the dog they have dubbed a "super pooch."


Daniel said he saw a "bobbing object" in poor condition, with cuts along his face, lice through his coat, one testicle and a crooked tail.


"We couldn't believe it. We immediately wrapped a towel around him and took him back to the hut for fresh water and food," the Daily telegraph quoted him as telling the Cairns Post.


He added: "He's still at my house, he was a little bit slow for the first couple of days but he seems good now."


It is not known how the dog reached so far off coast, but a microchip scan will soon be done to see if he has an owner.


Veterinarian Owen Lavers said the dog was fortunate to survive in the sea for so long.


He said: "If seas were calm it might be able to stay afloat for a couple of hours. If it was rough, I don't think it would last long.


"He's very lucky, I've never heard of anything like that."


Far Northern RSPCA inspector Cameron Buswell thinks the dog may have jumped overboard when travelling with its owner.


He said: "It's incredible, he's got all the elements to deal with, sharks and crocodiles, they are always more active this time of year." (ANI)


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