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Swedish girl 'grows back face' after suffering allergic reaction to Paracetamol

London, Wed, 13 Jan 2010 ANI

London, Jan 13 (ANI): A Swedish teenager finally has grown back her entire face after she suffered an allergic reaction to a single Paracetamol pill that made it to turn black and fall off. va Uhlin, 19, has recovered her looks after a once-in-a-million allergic reaction to the commonly used household painkiller purchased over the counter.


She was attacked by the deadly condition, known as Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, which caused her skin to blister, burn and to scab.


And the illness caused her parts of her chest, arms, back and stomach to fall off.


At one point the damage to Uhlin's face was so bad that her lips grew together.


"It felt like something was crawling around under my skin, I was in total shock - it was like something out of a horror film," the Telegraph quoted her as saying.


"I couldn't believe what was happening. I had taken Paracetamol many times before," she added.


It was in September 2005, when the condition struck Uhlin's after she became ill with a fever on holiday.


At the time, she was told to take a couple of Paracetamol tablets to relieve her symptoms but the combination of her virus and the drug created a freak reaction.


And next day, Uhlin, then 15, woke up the to find blisters covering her face and spreading all over the rest of her body.


"When I looked in the mirror for the first time after it happened I didn't recognise myself," she added.


After years of treatment at Sweden's University Hospital of Linkoping, Uhlin, now working as a waitress, has finally tried to return to the normal life of teenage girl.


But even today she still has to take eye drops twice a day and is sensitive to bright sunlight.


"I've always been a positive person, and I didn't let myself think about the chance that my skin would never be normal again," she said.


"As well as the pain, the affect that the reaction had on my confidence for that time was pretty terrible. I was so ashamed of the way I looked. I hated anybody to see me," she added.


Professor Folke Sjoeberg, one of the doctors who treated Uhlin, said that she had been lucky to recover from the rare condition.


"The condition is very uncommon and it strikes only one in a million people. With this condition you have to just let it run its course because there is no way to stop it. I'm very glad that Eva has done so well after all that happened," he said. (ANI)


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